Thursday, December 27, 2018

Predictions 2019: Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence

Would AI be empowering cyberattacks progressively more? 
Is it within the bounds of possibility that the forces of AI hackers
will execute more accelerated invasions with more automation?

No one can travel ahead of time to know how many and how massive would the data breaches be in 2019, but one can expect the portents, and thus the answer to the above questions is an inevitable silent nod.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Common Cyber Security Risks And Solutions

It’s evident with the ‘90s Hackers to the present Mr Robot that Crime and Criminals have had been an endless subject of fascination. Although it has entertained and attracted people to this domain of knowledge, it hasn't been adequately understood outside of industry professionals.
Cybercriminals have precise and varied goals —from performing ransomware attacks like the infamous WannaCry to stealing company database records. To burglarize sophisticated systems, hackers should be creative, versatile, and be able to always look into the greater picture.

Thus, implementing efficient cybersecurity measures is a daunting task now as devices have outnumbered people, and attackers have grown more innovative.

Indeed, there is a growing concern amongst experts that cybersecurity firms are severely understaffed, and the current count is not sufficient to combat the ever-increasing number of cyber attacks. A report out from Cybersecurity Ventures assessed that there would be 3.5 mn unfilled cybersecurity jobs as we near 2021, up from 1 mn openings last year. While the employment figures from the U.S. and India stress on the cybersecurity labour crisis.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Why are more companies embracing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) ?

According to the Softomotive Medium-sized Business RPA study, Small Medium Companies, globally, are embracing Robotic Processing Automation (RPA) as it guarantees to increase the productivity, accuracy, and timeliness of their business processes and to reduce the operational costs. Adopting process automation has also empowered corporations to expand their business faster, improved customer satisfaction and has relieved employees so they can concentrate on other “value-added” complex and creative activities.

More than 50% have either employed RPA in their business or scaled it across their organization in various parts of the world.

Friday, November 23, 2018

What is Robotic Process Automation?

Assume, you can change your co-workers’ work-life. 
What if they could hire a virtual team without shedding extra bucks?! 
What if they could do their tedious monotonous tasks without errs?! 

Work will be so much exciting and productive. 

Your profession will play a significant part in ensuring their Job Satisfaction! 

The question is “HOW” can you do that
with the knowledge and experience,
you will gain in the field of RPA?

The Future of Work with the Rise of Robotics and Automation

Our 21st c technology-driven world is loaded with both promises and challenges. The self-driving cars, customer service inquiry algorithms, X-ray reading machines demonstrate innovative and compelling guises of automation. But what has sparked much public concern over such innovations is that employing robotics and automation technology will inevitably replace the people executing that particular job.

Nevertheless, the fear of losing jobs isn’t new syndrome. As automation and artificial intelligence technologies are upgrading, people fret that millions of human workers would no longer have jobs - as they did in the 18th c. with the advent of the Industrial Revolution.